Dha Lahore Plots For Sale Dha Lahore Plots Rates Dha Lahore Plots Prices
K 617 @ 650 lacs
K-787@ 650 lacs 70 feet road
B-164 @ 630 1.kanal plot
G-412@650 corner
G-84@1650 corner
L- 896 @ ofr require
K-688@1825 lacs
46.marla plot
D-1/3+4+5+6 @28 cr
E-679@13 cr 2.k
X-1308+1309@19 crore
4kanal corner plot
X-1343@850 lacs
corner 2.kanal plot
Y-3251+3252+3253+3254@1375 4.kanal 100 feet road
Phase- 7 COMMERCIAL plot
CCA1=. @ 30 crore. 24.marla
Z1- 12 @ 490 4.marla
Phase-9 Commercial
Oval 270. @ 575 4.marla commercial plot
Phase 8 One Call Lucrative Plots. Ready for Transfer.
V-716 @ 480 Lacs.
70’ Road. Corner. 60’ Fornt 75’ Depth.
V-1126 @ 310 Lacs
Cheapest Kanal Possession Plot
W-8 @ 255 Lacs.
2 Marla Sector Shop Plot.
K704@765 facing park
M432@450 corner
N1210@320 23marla
W1265@375 dp pool clear
Y3574@240 dp pool clear
U820@330 dp pole clear
Z 4@375
Y3414/2@175 ( 10marla)
Y5@2 CRORE 10marla
Phase9 PRISM
Phase 9town plots for sale
B1340@2 crore 11marla
Phase 8
T 299 (CRN+752 ft extra) @ 400 Lac
Paper available
Phase 4 Commercial plot
4 marla commercial
Offer required
Phase 9 town
E 197@ 110
Phase 9 Prism
E 195@ 210
E 1010@ 165
M 1150@ 158 corner
Phase 5
M 325@ 250
Phase 6
C 667@ 545
N 510@ 420
K 13@ 250 sector shop
Phase 7
T 1228@ 365 corner 27 Marla
P 31@ 405 corner 24,75 Marla
U 1316@ 425 corner 24,74 Marla
Y 1386@ 305
Y 307@ 360f
Y 631@ 345
Y 4733@ 165
Y 3708@ 170
W 633@ 365
U 1440@ 750 corner 2 kanal 140 sec ft kam
X 1224+1225@ 1650
P 731+731@ 550
Phase 8 park view
D 528@ 225
10 marla
Possession plot
Phase 8 Parkview
A 445/3 @ 38 crore 91marla
E 37 @ 625 corner
Phase 7
T 831 @ 300 db pool clear
U 90-91 @ 850
Phase 6
C 724 @ 535
H 28 @ 510
B 5 @ 290 2marla commercial
Phase 5
Cca2 – 18 @ 380 4marla commercial
Phase 9prism
A 456 @ 260 allpaid
G 526 @ 245 allpaid
H 763 @ 235 allpaid
F 1837 @ 210 allpaid
N 172 @ 170 allpaid
Dha Lahore Houses FoR sale
Phase 1
Block D
Ten Marla good location
4beds with both TV lounge store kitchen dinning room Drawing room car parking
Phase 7
Ten Marla prime location
Block Y
House no 3353
3beds with both TV lounge store kitchen dinning room Drawing room car parking
Phase 1
Block B
One kanal good location
5beds with both TV lounge store kitchen dinning room Drawing room car parking
Phase 2
Block S
One kanal prime location
6beds with both 2kitchen
Drawing room dining room TV lounge store
Block C
2 kanal good location
5beds with both TV lounge kitchen store
Drawing room dining room near market/mosque direct owner meeting
Rs14 crore
PHASE 7 Pair Direct with, meeting Papers
S1003 @ 910.Lac Merging paid
S.412@385.Lac Paper.available
S.51@363.Lac Paper.available
R655+656@975 Lac Merging fee paid
S1003 @ 910 Lac Merging Fee Paid paid
X.380+381@885.Lac Back of 150,Feet Road
Phase 8
S 402 @ 360 Lac
X 657 @ 420 Lac
X 527 @450 Lac Almost final
X 69 70 @ 950 Lac
X 19 @ 12.75 Cr corner 44 Marla Paid
W 406 @ 510 Lac 100 ft Road
W 316 @ 600 Lac facing park
W 559 @ 610Lac final 70 feet road cleared plot
Commercial Plaza for sale
Direct from Owner with meeting
Broadway Commercial
8 Marla
C Block demand (21 Crore) monthly coming Rent (10 lacs)
DHA Phase 7 Commercial Plaza Gray structure,Block CCA2 Facing Parking Demand 13 Crore offer Required
(Coming Rent 9 lac)
Phase 5
B Block 8 Marla Commercial Plaza Demand 20.5 Crore offer Required
8 Marla
CCA1 Commercial Plaza Demand 25 Crore
MB 4 Marla Commercial Plaza, 1550-Lac
Phase 1
H Block corner Plaza coming Rent 375,000. Demand 10 crore
Phase 4
Coming Rent 440,000.
DD Block Main ki Back Demand 12 Crore
Phase 9prism
Papers available
Direct deal
A-720+21 @620 Lacs pair
A-164 @240 corner.plot
C-326 @240 80 feet Road.
D-1235 @215
E-450 @230
F-1532 @246 Facing /Park.
Contact Dha Lahore +923214000646 ChohanEstate Dha Lahore Office Call Faraz 0321-4000646 Whatsapp +923214000646